Monday, July 13, 2009

25 Weeks of Love

Week 25, painted Hadley's room. We painted OVER red and covered it with a light blue. I REALLY like it. It took a lot of paint to cover the red...I am not sure if it is even covered yet. We went back to the store once and got more paint and we might have to go again...I am undecided. This was a big weekend though we are making big decisions towards having a kid. We bought her bedroom furniture and then painted...this means a baby is coming!! We are excited. As I am writing this, I feel her kicking a little. She has been fairly active most days, which I love! I have woken up in the middle of the night a few times feeling her kick. I get excited but then I realize it is 2:30am and I am wide awake. She will keep me awake enough in the future so I should try to get my sleep now. Otherwise, we still do not have a middle name. We have started registering at Target ( and Lonestar Baby ( It is a work in progress.
I am enjoying Hadley so much already and we are looking forward to being parents. I constantly thank God for this opportunity and blessing.