Saturday, October 17, 2009


after her first bath

Nathan's favorite picture
More pictures at that link

Baby Hadley is HERE!

38 weeks and baby Hadley is here!! Early in the morning on October 15, at 1:35am, we welcomed Hadley Rae Bowers into the world. Here is the story, starting on October 13th.
The night of October 13 I was cooking dinner and I thought my water broke. I called the clinic and the nurse said I earned myself a trip to triage. Nathan and I packed up the car and headed to the hospital- not calling anyone yet. They didn't really ask questions about why I thought my water broke but they just hooked me up to a machine to check to see my contractions and mine and Hadley's heart beats. I found out that my water did not break, I guess I just peed my pants. I wanted to go home then but the nurse said I had to wait. She said I was dialated to a 3 and was effaced 70% and that was early labor because I was having contractions. After two hours we got to go home but the nurse bet us $10,000 that we would be back at triage within 24 hours. Well we go home and barely sleep that night. We go to work on Wednesday. I have contractions throughout the day but nothing unbearable. We had another doctor's appointment. Dr. Seale was not as optimistic as the nurse was the previous night. She said maybe within the next few days but probably not today. Well she checked me and I was dialated to a 4 and effaced 75%. She went ahead and sent me to triage but was unsure if I would stay. By the time I got down there Dr. Cole had told the nurses that we will be delivering a baby tonight! So we went ahead and got checked into our room, got blood work done, paper work done, and soon got my epidural. Soon my lower body was numb and I was working on having a baby. By 1:00am I was ready to deliver Hadley. By 1:35am she was out. It was AMAZING! There aren't even words to describe the feelings that consumed me when I heard her cry and then saw my baby girl. Nathan was able to cut the umbilical cord. Nathan was a great coach throughout the whole process.
Since delivery, we moved rooms and had a ton of visitors. It was great. Now we are at home enjoying Hadley here. She is beautiful and I am constantly amazed at God and His wonderful gift. We have been incredibly blessed. I am recovering well and the grandmas and Nathan are being super helpful. Please continue to pray for us and this huge transition in our lives. We are very excited about it but need prayers still.

Monday, October 5, 2009

37 Weeks

Today I had my second pevlic exam. Last week was my first exam and the doctor told me I was dialated to a 1, 40% effaced, but she had not dropped. Today was my second exam and I was dialated to a 2, 50% effaced, and she had dropped! Yeah! My ribs are LOVING the fact that she dropped. I am pretty sure it happened on Friday. That is when my ribs began to feel relief. Since she has dropped the doctor said things could happen quicker now...doesn't mean they will though. Nathan is determined she will come early...really in the next week. He is so excited! I love seeing him so excited. I am excited too, I am so ready! This past weekend we got her room more ready and did more laundry. We washed all her diapers (yeah!) and hung up pictures on her wall. Also, tonight is our last night of our baby classes. We have enjoyed them. We have learned about labor, c-sections, breathing, CPR, and tonight we learn how to take care of baby after she comes home. Please keep us in your prayers as a little girl will soon rock our world around. Also, please pray for a safe and healthy delivery whenever she does chose to come.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

35 Weeks

Five weeks left! Whoa! Exciting! Nathan and I are super excited to welcome Hadley into the world. We want her out probably more than him! ha ha. Comfort has gone out the window. As I enter the last few weeks of this pregnancy I am being prepared for no sleep and no engery for when she comes. I feel like I am constantly tired and my naps have increased by a lot!
We had a shower here in Fayetteville last weekend. Again I was blessed by the things we received. We started getting some of our cloth diapers, which is very exciting for us. We also got a lot of other necessities which is good. Nathan's cousin Bek also painted two beautiful pictures for Hadley's room. Pictures of them are down below. One is just an "H" and the other matches the birds in her bedding. That picture says:
"Hadley look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they? -Matthew 6:26"
We haven't hung it up yet but it will look wonderful when we do. Also, from the pictures below you can see that the cake matched Hadley's bedding...isn't that cute? I loved it! It also tasted yummy!
Next weekend we head to Harrison for a shower too. MaryJane's friends wanted to throw us one, which is so sweet. It will be fun I know.

Last week Nathan and I started our labor and delivery baby classes at the hospital. We have four classes that are three hours each! A lot of information. We learned a lot that first week and I am sure tomorrow we will learn a lot more! It is fun learning all the information though. It just means she is getting close.
This past week I also turned in my resignation letter to work, another sign it is getting close. I will miss work and my friends but I am counting down the days also. That is a big indicator that she is arriving soon.
This week our doctor appointments start happening every week and I start getting checked for dialation and stuff like that. I don't have high hopes for this week's appointments but is exciting.
Well that is about it in the Bowers' world concerning their little girl. As you can tell we are busy getting ready and very exciting. Thank you for all the prayers and please continue to pray for us over the next few weeks as we continue to prepare for her arrival. I can't wait for all of y'all to meet our lovely daughter!

(p.s. that last picture down below was me from last week- at 34 weeks).


The first picture is of me and the hostesses at my Fayetteville shower. Lisa and her cute daughter Lilly and Martha. They did a great job throwing a wonderful shower.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

More Pictures

33 Weeks!

Well we only have 7 weeks left and boy are we excited! We have been super busy getting the house ready and having our first baby shower. Last weekend we went to Dallas and had our first shower and we were totally blessed with the amount of baby gear we got. It was truly amazing to see how others get so excited about someone else's baby. I love it though :) After her baby shower MaryJane and I spent a day last week organizing all of her new stuff. We also got to wash our first set of prefolds and watch the puff up! (If I haven't said it already, Nathan and I are going to use cloth diapers and we are excited about it!)
Next weekend we have our second shower here in Fayetteville and then that next week we start our baby classes. It will be fun.
Here are so pictures of our first shower and Hadley's room coming together.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

30 Weeks!

30 Weeks today! We are excited! Behind me is the recliner/rocker that Nathan's parents got us. We love it. It has not made it to Hadley's room yet...we enjoy it in the living room. We will enjoy it in Hadley's room too. Especially when she is here :) Most of our furniture has come into Northwest Arkansas but it is still at the store. Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow but I am unsure. This weekend we have been painting another room so we can move the bed and furniture out of Hadley's room (to make room for hers) and into the room it will stay in. Our home is hopefully becoming less chaotic! Whenever the furniture does come in I will post more pictures.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

3D/4D Warning

Here are some pictures of the 3D/4D ultra sound we took today. We think they are cool but I understand others may think it is kind of feelings will not be hurt. Her arm was in the way of her face a lot of the time. She did open and close her mouth for us, she moved around some, and apparently opened her eyes twice. I didn't see either of the eye appearances, Nathan said he thinks he saw one. The top two pictures she is smiling.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pictures of Hadley's Stuff

Here is a preview of some of her clothes that are SO cute, a picture of Laramie- her first stuffed animal that Nathan picked out and loves, and lastly Laramie and the duck blanket.

Welcome Third Trimester!

28 weeks and into my third trimester today!! YEAH! We finally finished painting Hadley's room and it looks great. Since then we have also been to St. Louis with MaryJane & Joe, and Leslie & Preston. It was a fun trip! Last weekend we met my mom, Grandad, and Patti in Branson where we saw FOUR shows! We went to the Dixie Stampede, The Baldknobbers, The Branson Belle (showboat), and Noah. It was a fun weekend. In between all those shows we managed to hit up the outlet malls and bought Hadley her wardrobe. We had a good time. My mom brought up a duck blanket- which was one of ours when we were babies. That is fun that Hadley will have that. My mom also brought up one of my preemie outfits- just in case. Hopefully Hadley won't fit into much preemie stuff though. This weekend we had NO plans- which was exciting and good because on Friday I was out running and my prego self rolled my ankle and it swelled up pretty huge. I couldn't walk on it Friday and could BARELY on Saturday. Today, Sunday, it is better but I am still slow moving. I guess the clumsiness and being off balance has gotten to the best of me. Oh well. The joy of being on the couch for the past few days is getting to feel all of Hadley's movements...which I love them all!!
This Thursday we are going to get another glimpse of Hadley. We are going to get a 3D/4D ultra sound. I will try to post those pictures too if I can. They say it is really what she will look like when she is born...CRAZY! I think there is a possibility her eyes may be open too. I kind of hope they are shut because that may just be a little weird. Either way we will LOVE it.
Oh, other big news...we have a middle name! Hadley Rae. Hadley Rae Bowers is our daughter's full name. Crazy that we will have a daughter huh? Well continue to keep Nathan and I, as well as Hadley Rae in your prayers as we enter into these last few months. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

25 Weeks of Love

Week 25, painted Hadley's room. We painted OVER red and covered it with a light blue. I REALLY like it. It took a lot of paint to cover the red...I am not sure if it is even covered yet. We went back to the store once and got more paint and we might have to go again...I am undecided. This was a big weekend though we are making big decisions towards having a kid. We bought her bedroom furniture and then painted...this means a baby is coming!! We are excited. As I am writing this, I feel her kicking a little. She has been fairly active most days, which I love! I have woken up in the middle of the night a few times feeling her kick. I get excited but then I realize it is 2:30am and I am wide awake. She will keep me awake enough in the future so I should try to get my sleep now. Otherwise, we still do not have a middle name. We have started registering at Target ( and Lonestar Baby ( It is a work in progress.
I am enjoying Hadley so much already and we are looking forward to being parents. I constantly thank God for this opportunity and blessing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Here is a picture of me today at 23 weeks and a horrible picture of the ultra sound at 19 weeks. This is when we found out our little baby was a girl.

Lately I have been feeling Hadley move around a lot. I think she is moving everything she can in there but I love it. There is a few times I am pretty sure you could have seen it from the outside but I never look in time. I am hoping soon to see a little foot or elbow poke out of my belly :) Today I went back to the doctor and everything was good as normal. I got to hear her fast heart beat again which is always nice. I had to do the glucose test today to see if I will have gestational diabetes. I won't know the results for a couple of days but pray everything comes out normal.

Lately we, meaning I more, have been trying to get started on some registry stuff since we will be traveling so much in July. It is a task let me tell you! I have no clue about baby stuff! Like what they need, what is good for them and what isn't. It is also hard because Northwest Arkansas does not have one big baby store so I don't really have one store to go to or to talk to people there about baby gear. Nathan and I did go to a store this weekend though and got all there is to know about cloth diapers. We are planning on using cloth and I am kind of excited...I know most people probably think it is crazy but I think since I will be staying at home with Hadley it will be easier. Well that is all for now but continue to keep our family in your prayers.


I just figured out how to put pictures on here so here will be a little time line of pictures. This picture is at 19 weeks. (the one where I am wearing a black shirt). The picture of me in the pink sweater is at 20 weeks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

22 Weeks

Today I am 22 weeks. Baby Hadley is the size of a papaya. Last night Nathan got to feel her kick. It was incredible! It was such a good Father's Day gift for him. He couldn't stop smiling...but neither could I. We have not come up with a middle name yet but we did look at cribs and bought our first piece of baby bedding. Our bedding, if you want to check it out, is at We just bought the picture frames but we just needed something to match the colors. Hopefully soon we will have furniture decided on too. We will keep you updated :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

21 Weeks

On Sunday I was 21 weeks. Nathan and I are super excited. Yesterday we decided on nursey bedding and we decided on the first name of our baby girl. We are still working on a middle name though. We want a one syllable name. We have an idea or two but are still thinking. The first name will be Hadley though. Hadley ____ Bowers. Cute huh? We think so.
I am feeling her kick some. Mainly at night, after dinner while we are sitting around watching tv. Nathan hasn't felt her yet but he will soon. She kicks a good amount though sometimes. It isn't annoying or anything, I love it. I also am feeling huge. I know I am not, and will only get bigger but goodness, I feel pretty darn big. This weekend I tried to put a tank top on and it only covered half my belly when it used to be kind of loose. Nathan laughed a lot at this.