Sunday, August 16, 2009

30 Weeks!

30 Weeks today! We are excited! Behind me is the recliner/rocker that Nathan's parents got us. We love it. It has not made it to Hadley's room yet...we enjoy it in the living room. We will enjoy it in Hadley's room too. Especially when she is here :) Most of our furniture has come into Northwest Arkansas but it is still at the store. Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow but I am unsure. This weekend we have been painting another room so we can move the bed and furniture out of Hadley's room (to make room for hers) and into the room it will stay in. Our home is hopefully becoming less chaotic! Whenever the furniture does come in I will post more pictures.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

3D/4D Warning

Here are some pictures of the 3D/4D ultra sound we took today. We think they are cool but I understand others may think it is kind of feelings will not be hurt. Her arm was in the way of her face a lot of the time. She did open and close her mouth for us, she moved around some, and apparently opened her eyes twice. I didn't see either of the eye appearances, Nathan said he thinks he saw one. The top two pictures she is smiling.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pictures of Hadley's Stuff

Here is a preview of some of her clothes that are SO cute, a picture of Laramie- her first stuffed animal that Nathan picked out and loves, and lastly Laramie and the duck blanket.

Welcome Third Trimester!

28 weeks and into my third trimester today!! YEAH! We finally finished painting Hadley's room and it looks great. Since then we have also been to St. Louis with MaryJane & Joe, and Leslie & Preston. It was a fun trip! Last weekend we met my mom, Grandad, and Patti in Branson where we saw FOUR shows! We went to the Dixie Stampede, The Baldknobbers, The Branson Belle (showboat), and Noah. It was a fun weekend. In between all those shows we managed to hit up the outlet malls and bought Hadley her wardrobe. We had a good time. My mom brought up a duck blanket- which was one of ours when we were babies. That is fun that Hadley will have that. My mom also brought up one of my preemie outfits- just in case. Hopefully Hadley won't fit into much preemie stuff though. This weekend we had NO plans- which was exciting and good because on Friday I was out running and my prego self rolled my ankle and it swelled up pretty huge. I couldn't walk on it Friday and could BARELY on Saturday. Today, Sunday, it is better but I am still slow moving. I guess the clumsiness and being off balance has gotten to the best of me. Oh well. The joy of being on the couch for the past few days is getting to feel all of Hadley's movements...which I love them all!!
This Thursday we are going to get another glimpse of Hadley. We are going to get a 3D/4D ultra sound. I will try to post those pictures too if I can. They say it is really what she will look like when she is born...CRAZY! I think there is a possibility her eyes may be open too. I kind of hope they are shut because that may just be a little weird. Either way we will LOVE it.
Oh, other big news...we have a middle name! Hadley Rae. Hadley Rae Bowers is our daughter's full name. Crazy that we will have a daughter huh? Well continue to keep Nathan and I, as well as Hadley Rae in your prayers as we enter into these last few months. :)